Pretoria News article on The Villa eyesore/Pretoria News oor The Villa oogseer

This article appeared in Pretoria News earlier this week

Hierdie artikel het vroer die week in Pretoria News verskyn

< ainful-reminder-of-millions-lost-in-investment-c9d70a51-59d0-4570-8c63-ab114 c374ffb?fbclid=IwAR1f9GXd-LJWcZftyuXJeNBj__f99hN5Jc-_NOhEJdpTElBOCFJzrY1ILIs >…/ghost-mall-eyesore-for

Image in our news post of 20 July/Beeld in ons nuusplasing van 20 Julie

We have noted that the image included in the post about the RSG Geldsake podcast is poorly presented and thus difficult to read. Please go to our Facebook page; Sharemax Investors/Nova Debenture Creditors and scroll down to the post of 20 July where a clear copy of the NPA letter can be viewed

Ons het opgemerk dat die beeld wat in die pos oor die RSG Geldsake-podcast ingesluit is, swak aangebied word en dus moeilik leesbaar is. Gaan asseblief na ons Facebook-blad; Sharemax Investors/Nova Debenture Creditors en blaai af na die pos van 20 Julie waar ‘n duidelike afskrif van die NVG-brief besigtig kan word

Op RSG Geldsake gisteraand – met Herman Lombaard/On RSG’s Geldsake yesterday evening – with Herman Lombaard


Sien die NVG se epos onder/See the NPA’s email below

Hierdie ontwikkeling laat baie vrae ontstaan ​​waaroor ons so gou as moontlik kommentaar sal lewer

This development raises many questions on which we will comment as soon as we can

Please note that the podcast is only available in Afrikaans