Is Nova werklik solvent?

Hier is ‘n nuwe artikel vanuit Moneyweb oor Nova se huidige stand van solvensie en kanse op insolvensie

Dit skets ‘n somber prentjie in vergelyking met wat Nova handhaaf (sien hul Desember ’23 Communiqué gepubliseer op hul webwerf by en sigbaar onder Latest News>Communiques). Hoeveel lede en Followers het werklik die “positiewe” stellings wat in hierdie kommuniké gemaak is, geglo?

Alles is egter nie heeltemal ondergang en wanhoop vir ons lede en die Skuldbriefhouers as geheel nie

Die meer as ‘n dekade lange aktivisme oor al die kwessies met die oorspronklike SA Reserwebank-sluiting van die PSPC (Property Syndications Promotion Companies) – wat Sharemax insluit – en ander verwante kwessies beweeg nou regtig vorentoe

Die pogings van die betrokke aktiviste werp vrugte af en ‘n verslag oor die interregulatoriese ondersoek gedryf deur CIPC, kan binnekort verwag word

Lees hier: nancial-future-but-a-ratio-analysis-suggests-otherwise/# < inancial-future-but-a-ratio-analysis-suggests-otherwise/>

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Is the company really solvent?

Here is a new article from Moneyweb on Nova’s current state of solvency and chances of insolvency

It paints a bleak picture compared to what Nova maintain (see their December ’23 Communiqué published in their web site at and visible under Latest News>Communiques). How many members & Followers actually believed the “positive” statements made in this communiqué?

However, all is not totally doom and despair for our members and the Debenture Holders as a whole

The more than a decade long activism over all the issues with the original SA Reserve Bank shut-down of the PSPC (Property Syndications Promotion Companies) – which includes Sharemax – and other related issues is really moving forward now

The efforts of the activists involved are paying off and a report on the inter-regulatory investigation driven by CIPC, can be expected soon

Read here: nancial-future-but-a-ratio-analysis-suggests-otherwise/# < inancial-future-but-a-ratio-analysis-suggests-otherwise/>

or here: