We (actually this writer, Roger Johnson) apologise for our lengthy silence in our Facebook page and our web site since around the time of the last Nova AGM in November. But, our silence in our sites does not mean that there has been no activity underway in the interim

By way of resuming information feed to our members as well as our Facebook followers/visitors, we are posting today on the inter-regulatory investigation that has been underway for a year or so

This investigation was set up by CIPC (Companies and Intellectual Property Commission) following their issuance to Nova in 2022 and 2021 of Compliance Orders, arising out of the company’s failure to comply with some of the requirements of the Companies Act. In their investigation, other, wider, issues came to their attention which led to them broadening it to include other institutions and parties

By way of feedback on this investigation we providing herewith a copy of a letter from CIPC sent to Deon Pienaar (a long-term crusader against the deemed irregularities and illegalities behind the shut-down of the property syndication “industry” back in 2010) together with Deon’s latest newsletter in which the first three pages provide further information regarding the investigation

Link to CIPC investigation update
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/preliminary-inter-regulator-investigation-update > www.ndcag.co.za/go/preliminary-inter-regulator-investigation-update

Link to Deon Pienaar’s newsletter
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/02023> www.ndcag.co.za/go/02023